Xerox bets on pricey printers
Copier maker defies tough economy by offering a premium product.By Anna KattanNow may not seem like the ideal time to launch a high-end product aimed ...
Xerox’s next CEO: Ursula Burns
by Jessica ShamboraYesterday on Postcards we wrote about an historic event: Xerox (XRX) CEO Anne Mulcahy announced she will pass the baton to presiden...
An animation studio bets on the iPhone
The man behind SpongeBob SquarePants is testing out a new business model: launching an animated franchise on the iPhone.By Kim ThaiAt first glance, Al...
2010 Ford Escape Hybrid: A pricey alternative
The Ford Escape may be the most popular vehicle you never heard of. On the road, it gets lost in a sea of Toyota RAV4s and Honda CRVs. Even among its ...
A new global challenge for Xerox’s Mulcahy
You wouldn’t think that Anne Mulcahy has time to trek to Central America–yes, Haiti is on her calendar, but this year she has already flown south to h...
Remember Lexmark? The printer underdog is still fighting
By Jon ForttIn this era of Kindle books, text messages and Facebook photos, printed information is taking it on the chin – and perhaps no company has ...
對于惠普而言,2015年可謂忙碌的一年。截止11月份,它還是一家具有傳奇色彩的硅谷計算機公司。現在,惠普已一分為二:銷售數據中心,商業計算設備與服務的惠普企業(Hewlett-Packard Enterprise),以及銷售打印機和個人電腦的惠普公司(HP Inc. )。由梅格?惠特曼領導的惠普企業...
Google cloud will connect your phone, and everything else, to your printer
Google has a new solution for printing documents in Chrome OS and, by extension, the rest of the web. Instead of installing drivers on your computer f...
3D打印有什么好處?2015年,這個問題變得越發重要,原因是在社交網絡上華麗展示3D打印飾品最多似乎只能換回一句話:“噢,又一個3D打印的尤達大師頭像?真有創意。”一年前3D打印還風光無限,如今則處處顯露著窘迫之相。美國3D打印行業龍頭Stratasys和3D Systems一度高歌猛進。眼下,一家...